

Trademark & Intellectual Property Law

Advocating for innovative entrepreneurs, marketers and companies. 30+ years of trademark, patent and IP law experience.

John W. Montgomery’s Law Firm is organized as a PLLC in Texas, is headquartered in Houston, and represents creative clients big and small, locally, nationally, and internationally. Our firm has experience in all areas of intellectual property (IP) law.  We advise and serve you in matters from the name of your business, development of an idea into a product, the trademark on your product, to the protection of your IP rights throughout the process and into the marketplace. Whether you're a designer, engineer, business owner, business manager, marketing department leader, or compliance officer, we employ sound IP protection tools to protect what you create, develop and value in your business. We bring extensive experience and professionalism to every case and customize our services to your individual needs and concerns.

Our founding attorney is active in every case and has been innovating his legal practice over three decades. We're on the pulse of modern technology and media, and have monitored it's evolution in the legal field to inform our own legal approaches - all to give you exceptional advice, strategic planning, and cost effective legal service. Get in touch with us to setup a consultation, or use the contact form at the bottom of this page to inquire whether our services are right for you.




Houston, Texas




Areas of Practice

Intellectual Property

Intellectual property counseling can effectively include a survey and discussion of the client’s portfolio of existing IP, business operations where IP may be involved, IP protection procedures, IP creation development and protections strategies to enhance the value of IP, and the goals and objectives for the business.

Trade Secrets and Know-how

Trade secret rights may protect valuable business information, customer lists, supplier lists,  business plans, methods of doing business, formulas, technology, undisclosed inventions, etc.  that are kept secret. Know-how that is used in a business and kept secret from others might qualify for trade secret protections. Each state may have specific variations of the definition of a trade secret or the requirements for protectability.


Trademarks and service marks are words, symbols, and devices used to distinguish goods of the authorized trademark user from similar goods. Service marks are generally the same except for differences resulting from use of the mark to distinguish the services of the owner from service of others.

Intellectual Property Agreements

Many types of IP Agreements are private contracts directed to, or that include provisions for, the protection of one or more types of Intellectual Property.  Duly executed agreements are intended to be privately enforceable to protect clearly identified intellectual property rights as between the contracting parties


Patents protect novel (new), non-obviousness, and adequately disclosed useful machines, compositions of matter, articles of manufacture, and improvements.  Legal interpretation and application of these requirements to a particular invention is complex and consultation with a Registered U.S. Patent Attorney is recommended.


Copyrights protect originally  created works of authorship, writings, text, music, recordings, video, artistic, graphic, sculptural, architectural, computer programs.  A copyright exist when a qualifying work of authorship is originally created; however, it can only be enforce in the U.S. based upon seeking and obtaining a copyright registration in the U.S. Copyright Office.



Let's Chat.

Use the form below to contact us regarding your legal inquiry. Please be as detailed as possible. Include your industry along with any specific document requests. To help us best service your inquiry, we recommend that you first describe the issue you’re having before telling us what you want to achieve. You may also email us to make an appointment.

For job opportunities, please email us your resume. We’re always looking for new and exceptional talent to lead the firm into uncharted fields of practice.